Golden Boy TEC Application
"I am the light of the world, whoever follows me will have the light of life" - Jesus Christ

The TEC weekends are:
October long weekend (Thanksgiving)
May long weekend (Victoria Day)
The weekend starts at 9:30 AM on Saturday, and wraps up around 6:30 PM on Monday.
What to bring
Bring a towel, wash cloth, toiletries, sleeping bag, pillow, air mattress (if you have one), dress clothes for Sunday Liturgy, and any other supplies that you feel you may need for the weekend. If you play a guitar, feel free to bring it along.
No electronics such as cell phones, iPads, or gaming devices, please.
All meals will be provided.
More information
Registration Fee
The total cost of the weekend is $150. This is to help cover the expense of food and other supplies that are needed to put on a retreat weekend.
A $20.00 non-refundable deposit is required.
Cheques should to be made payable to
"TEC - To Encounter Christ". E-transfers can be made to
The Catholic School of Evangelization
Located 45 minutes south of Winnipeg on highway #59 in the town of St. Malo, Manitoba
Other Information
TEC is a NON SMOKING weekend.
Send your application in early. Space is limited. Applications are accepted on a first come, first served basis.
Application deadlines are:
May 1
September 25
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us:
TEC Core -